January 12, 2018

Mission Conference with Brad Wilcox

On Friday we had the privilege of meeting with Brad Wilcox, popular LDS speaker, who spoke to all the missionaries of the ABM. He spoke on the house of Israel and the "birthright," which entitles some of Heavenly Father's children to greater blessings and greater responsibilities. It was so much fun having him speak to us and he was even able to join us for lunch. Afterwards we had our regular zone conference, with trainings on the meal program, baptisms, and the mission vision for 2018. Thank you to Brad Wilcox and all those who made this great day possible!

Brisbane North




Gold Coast


Eight Mile Plains


Ipswich West


Sunshine Coast

The Seniors

More Seniors

January 11, 2018

FHE with Brisbane and Coomera Zones

Due to their smashing months, the Brisbane Zone and Coomera Zone were invited to a FHE at the mission home! They were heaps of fun and we hope they'll continue to be blessed with as many miracles and they have been in the recent months.

 Brisbane Zone: Elder Barbic, Elder Cummings, Elder Deering, Elder Fung, Elder Nicotra, Elder Nalin, Elder Peng, Elder Waqa, Sister Curran, Sister Ruasu, Sister Shan, Sister Chim, Sister Roberts, Sister Butler, Sister CendaƱa, Sister Orleans, and Sister Tarati

Coomera Zone: Elder C. Huang, Elder Ho, Elder Martin, Elder Nordfelt, Elder Stevens, Elder Cadiang, Elder Troff, Elder Zubiaga, Elder Afable, Sister Faulafo, Sister Gomes, Sister Robles, and Sister Yuen

Rockhampton Zone Conference

Right after Golden Orientation, the McSwains and the assistants raced up to Rockhampton for zone conference! While there they were also able to attend the baptism of a new convert in Gladstone, who was baptized by her son, and the family was there to attend as well, where they felt the Spirit touch their hearts. Great job Rockhampton zone!

Elder Bulusui, Elder Contreras, Elder Tuitama, Elder Ahn, Sister Broome, Sister Kolia, Sister Calayag, and Sister Ezekiela are the might missionaries of the Rockhampton zone!

FHE with Ipswich West

Last week we invited the Ipswich West zone to the mission home for their marvelous month of miracles! We had a barbeque, played charades, and had an overall fun time. Thank you to the hard working missionaries of the Ipswich West zone!

Missionaries of the Ipswich West Zone: Elder Freeman, Elder King, Elder Cowcill, Elder Soyson, Elder Lal, Elder Nemeth, Elder Gabut, Elder Buchin, Elder Malobago, Elder Byington, Sister Datt, and Sister Watene.

Golden Orientation January 2018

With the new year came some new additions to the ABM! We were so excited to spend time with these goldens and training them to become the next master teachers and powerful missionaries.

The goldens

1-2-3 ABM!