September 27, 2015


who have come, who have served, who have learned, and who have now departed.  
Your life will never be the same and we will never be the same because of YOU!  

BEST NAPKIN FOLDING YET,....  Farewell dinner at the mission home

September 19, 2015


We found this wonderful new convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the bus stop in Sunnybank. When we started talking with her, she was already really interested in learning if God was real. We found her at a time where she was really desiring to know the purpose of life, and if life was nothing more than just working to get what you wanted and doing anything, no matter what, to achieve that end. She was really willing to meet up and happy to learn and keep commitments. She even took notes in a notebook every time we met with her, on her own. So we met her and helped her keep commitments. She's starting to love the Book of Mormon, understand it and has a great testimony of God as her Heavenly Father and Christ as her Savior.
She believes the Book of Mormon is true and she loves the Church.
See you next time!


A NEW CONVERT BAPTISM IN GLADSTONE:  This man is a house mate of a less active member of the church in our branch. He slowly became interested in the gospel as the missionaries came over to visit his house mate. He had been taking the missionaries discussions for about 6 months but was struggling to give up smoking, it wasn't until he gained a testimony of the restored gospel and God's love for him that he was finally able to kick his old habits and become truly converted. He knows that God loves him and he said that he has already became a better man.
Sister Samarnsook and Sister Kunz


Sister Toilolo and Sister Alona
....beautiful Sister miracles!



​This GREAT NEW CONVERT is only 14 years old and already wants to be a missionary! He is from the Cook Islands, and decided to start coming to church when he and is mum were driving one day in the rain and saw two missionaries riding their bikes. His mum asked him if he would ever want to be a missionary, and probably to her great surprise, he said yes. She asked him if he really would, and he said yes. So they started going to church in Isle of Capri Ward having members of the church already in their family. Over time, Reuben prepared for Baptism and has read the whole Book of Mormon and half of the Doctrine & Covenants. He is awesome! His mum is also preparing for baptism in the future as she is helping re-activate her partner of 17 years! What a miracle.


This cute recent convert was on her way back to her house with her parents by stopped to talk with them.   We asked the parents if they will be interested in hearing more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and they said no but their daughter said that she wanted to. So we set up a appointment with her.. And the day we went to see her without knowing that we were Mormons she said that the belief that she would love to join the Mormon faith.  We told her that we were the missionaries who represent the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  (nicknamed the Mormons). My companion and I felt that she has been prepared from God for her to enter to the water of Baptism having a desire to follow Christ. So she accepted the invitation to be baptized... a beautiful miracle!
 Elder Tarati and Elder Anderson


This investigator was the referral from the member who was less active in the Church at the time.  The less active invited him to come to church and he came to church and he loved it. Then later on he accepted us to share messages with him and finally he accepted the baptismal date that set with him. We are so grateful for this miracle that we witnessed! He still progressing, he always comes to church with his friend who was less active before, but now this investigator always encourages his friend to come to church and this less active became active again.  This great new convert desires nto enter the temple soon, he loves the church, the members, the teachings and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

"HARD WORK is the other term of MIRACLE"
Elder Flojo
Elder Twogood


"So I was asked to bear my testimony, and originally when I was asked to write one, I was like, “Do I even have one?” but over these last two weeks, I realized that I do. But I also realized that before I do bear it, I first have to give you a background story. So when I was a small child, my brother and sister would go on holidays to my aunt's house, who is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She was the beginning of the Mormon influence in my life. She would take us to church with her, and to church events, she would have the missionaries over for dinner, and friends from church over too, or we would have dinner at their house. And I just remember as a small child thinking how cool it was! It left so much of an impression on me that even after I moved to Australia with my parents, I still always remembered being a part of those things. Getting a bit older, I had the opportunity to move back to New Zealand and live with this aunt, and again the church influence started. I’d been to many other churches, I have family who are all different religions, but I’ve never felt so connected as I have to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My time in New Zealand was short lived and I eventually ended up moving back to Australia. Thoughts of seeking out the missionaries over here crossed my mind, but I was too scared to act on these feelings and thoughts alone, so the thoughts were fleeting.
Just recently a series of events in my life took place, that led me to seeking the Lord again, I prayed for help, silently in my bedroom. And the next day I had this idea that I should visit my cousin, whom I hadn’t seen in awhile and who just lived around the corner.  Upon visiting her, we got catching up. And she asked me two questions.. One: do you believe in God, and I knew without a doubt my answer was yes! And the second, was “What religion are you? Do you have a religion” It was then that my Faith was tested, and I told her all that I had experienced thus far in my life. And she said to me “Aw well that’s funny, I’ve been meeting with the missionaries here and they’ve been teaching me.” So I asked her if she went to church and she told me she didn’t wanna go by herself. It was then, that I offered to come with her, and that I knew, Heavenly Father set in  motion a series of events in my life to lead me here today.  He guided my path, and the help that I asked for came to me in the form of my cousin, and two Angels on a push bike.

Something else that really strengthened my testimony was that I’ve been attending Cleveland chapel, I know people there, I’m comfortable there, and I was quite happy and content just being there. Up until Monday, in my mind, I was being baptized and confirmed there. On Monday, meeting with the missionaries they told me that, that wouldn’t be the case. On top of all the other emotions I was feeling, I was confused, upset and a bit angry. No hard feelings Manly ward, I just didn’t know anyone here. I dreaded the thought of having my confirmation done in front of a Ward that didn’t even know me. Sitting in that room on Monday, Elder Fankhauser and Brother Horsburgh talked me into a state of calmness, and I was able to think more clearly. I was still thinking that I didn’t wanna do this anymore. But they both shared awesome messages that stuck with me and left me to ponder.. Three things I left that room knowing.. Elder Fankhauser was sent here, at this time, to be in that room! That these thoughts in my head were Satan’s last resort, that every step I’m taking towards Heavenly Father, is another step away from him, and he wasn’t liking that too much! And that when I go home tonight, I need to pray, and ask Heavenly Father if I should follow through with this..So I prayed. And I waited for an answer that didn’t come until the morning. When I was talking to a friend on the phone about my concerns, and they told me to pray about it, I said “No, I don’t wanna pray, I don’t wanna do this church thing anymore” And it hit me straight in the heart, and I got this distinct impression and this little voice inside my head said “Don’t say that!”. And it felt like I was being scolded. During the day, I felt like Heavenly Father was talking to me, telling me that it didn’t matter what chapel I got baptised in, it didn’t matter who was there, so long as I trusted in Him, everything was going to be okay. I know this church is true, I’ve known it since I was small, I know Joseph Smith was the prophet and the man responsible for the restoration of this church. I know Jesus Christ is our Saviour and redeemer. And I know above anything, that our Heavenly Father knows, and loves us more than anything in this world. 

I know Heavenly Father knows me so well! He knows me more than I know myself and a testimony to that is the missionaries that were sent to me.. Not in my area. But Heavenly Father knew what kind of people I would get along with, he knew what kind of people would best “mesh” well with my personality, and would understand my situation and circumstances. Who would get me and my dry jokes, and stupid sense of humor. He knew these missionaries well enough to know that they would build a friendship with me. A friendship that would then sometimes be the only reason I kept coming back.. He knew me so well to know that I wouldn’t want to let my friends down! And the fact that I can see this, strengthens my testimony, and also my love for my Heavenly Father. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!"

*Posted by permission

September 13, 2015


I have been fascinated with the foliage here in Australia, especially the flowering trees, bushes and flowers....such a beautiful country! 
Colors I have never seen before! 
Shapes that are intricate, delicate and artistic!  
Fragrances that literally fill the air around me!
One plant in particular is most unique not only for its beautiful colors and unbelievable fragrance, but I have never heard of a flower changing colors each day that it is blooming, which is just three short days for these little blossom gems.   This bush below is blooming on the street I walk each day and is just gloriously filled with blooms right now.  I could stand and smell the air around these flowers all day.....simply amazing!!!!
 *Read below to find out how the Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant got its name
How the  
plant got its name. 
"The Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant. or Brunfelsia Iatifolia, got its more common name because of its fragrant two-inch blooms.  These flowers last for three days and change color with each day.  The first day they are purple (yesterday), the second day they change to a pastel lavender shade (today), and on the third day they change to an almost white color (tomorrow).  Because each flower lasts for three days and goes through this colorful transformation, it is easy to tell whether it is a yesterday bloom or a shade representing today and tomorrow. 


This unique plant creates variegated clusters of color and breathtaking beauty when all three shades are present. Unlike some plants that flower for two to four weeks, one thing that makes these shrubs so desirable is that flowering starts in the summer and promises plenty of yesterdays, todays and tomorrows as flowering lasts into September and October.


There have been so many unbelievable MIRACLES happening in the mission; we have witnessed Heavenly Father's hand in this work....everyday!   These missionaries have so much FAITH to know that as they serve and give their all, God will trust them to find and teach His children here in Queensland.  
We are grateful to be a part of this WORK and to witness the tender, sweet power of God with the missionaries.  

"For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their faith."

2 Nephi 27:23  Book of Mormon


September 10, 2015


Another great Chinese Region Meeting with all the missionaries speaking Mandarin Chinese; held under the direction of our  
Chinese Training Leaders.  
Impressive training!
Effective role playing!
Much practicing!
President's teaching!


We said farewell to this great Elder who has been serving with us while has been waiting for his visa to serve in the 
TAIWAN TAICHUNG MISSION....they are blessed to have him!
We wish him the best~~

September 6, 2015


There is nothing greater than seeing the JOY and LIGHT on the faces of the missionaries who have departed the we saw when we had a chance to have a "Sydney Reunion" with those who could make it.  
THIS IS JOY for us;  catching up on everyone's life with school, work, church callings, family and love!
and of course the great missionary work that continues on.....



It is always wonderful running into missionaries in the mission.... 
Elder Talia just happens to reside in Cairns and is serving as the Assistant Ward Mission Leader.  
He is ready to continue working with the great Cairns missionaries and help the recent converts continue their learning and preparing for the Holy Temple.  

September 5, 2015


What a nice surprise to have former ABM missionary, Elder Lowe, come and visit with his mother.  
HOW GRATEFUL WE ARE FOR ALL THE BEAUTIFUL MOTHERS who serve their children for years to prepare them to  serve two year/eighteen months as missionaries.  
This world is blessed to have MOTHERS!