This is Elder Kaosucharit and Elder Hassan. We had a young man who was baptized on 26/10/2013. He was a miracle baptism. We found him through his uncle. One day, he walked in the church with his uncle and Elder Kaosucharit was there. He talked to him and found out that he wasn't a member and interested to learn about the church. We had been teaching him since August. At first, he had many concerns over his old life style. We have had many good discussions and learned much from each other. What really helped him to change was exercising faith in Christ. Our ward mission leader told us to focus our teaching on the Atonement. We did that for a week and he was baptised that week. It is truly a miracle. We know that as we exercise faith, God will bless us with miracles.
THE REST OF THE STORY....from Elder Nagato and Elder Abel
One night after the planning, we were preparing for the next day and getting ready to go to bed, and our phone rang; it was one of our senior missionaries, he just got out of the temple and found this boy in the temple parking lot. He talked to him for awhile and decided to introduce him to the missionaries. We lived 2 minutes away from the temple. Right after the phone call, he came and dropped him off and left. We quickly put on our proselyting cloths and went out to meet him. He told us about his life and how he wanted to change. He was so keen to learn about the message we shared. We talked for 20 minutes and left. He told us to get his phone number from the senior missionary. Miracle!!
Then, we tried to get his phone number from and he could not find it...
We lost him…
3 months later, he walked into the church with his uncle and was welcomed by elder Kaoscharit.
We thought we lost him, but Heavenly Father never lost him. He kept guiding him and leading him to his church.I know that our Heavenly Father loves us all and He prepares a time for each one of us to find a way to come back to Him. I am so grateful to witness His love toward the children of men.