December 17, 2013


This wonderful man just got baptized this past Saturday and all that I can say is that the gospel truly changes people.  Elder Fifita and I were tracting one day and saw an older man walking down the sidewalk towards us, he didn't look too interested so we decided to keep knocking.  Elder Fifita then turned around and said I will get this one because we made a goal to never let anyone pass us without trying to talk to them.  We contacted him and he invited us back the very next day.  Within the next two lessons we invited him to be baptized and he accepted.  When we met him he had no idea who Christ was except for a small, basic idea that he heard while growing up.  Over the month or so that we taught him we saw his understanding grow and his desire to give up smoking and anything else increase.  As he received the gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday there was a light in his eyes that I had never seen before, he truly was letting himself come unto Christ.  His very nature has been changed and I am thankful and blessed to have been placed in his path. 
Talk to Everyone, miracles will happen!!
Elder Nelson and Fifita found him and Elder Nelson and Elder Beveridge baptized him.

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