December 14, 2013


THE WORK OF SALVATION is alive & well in the Brisbane Australia Mission.
"We have been working really closely with members. As we encouraged ward members to be member missionaries we started seeing great success.  A wonderful member of the Tweed Heads ward is one example of a member missionary who invited two of her close friends to learn more about the gospel. She gave us the contact details and we responded quickly to the referral we had received. That first visit was very successful; they agreed to learn more about the church.  As we continued to teach them, they were able to feel the presence of the Holy Ghost and were willing to keep all commitments extended.  One evening we felt prompted to discuss with them the power and the importance of the priesthood authority. The lesson was powerful and as we concluded bearing our testimonies another miracle occurred. Three priesthood holders in our ward chose to come visit this great couple that evening. They came at the most perfect timing. One of the priesthood holders asked if he would like to receive a priesthood blessing and they readily agreed. It was the most beautiful blessing and the spirit was strong in that room. That evening he received his witness that the things we had shared were true.  They agreed to be baptized on November 2, 2013. The baptismal service was beautiful . We know that miracles are in store as members and missionaries, together with a concerted effort, labor in the Lord's vineyard. We are so grateful for the blessings and miracles we have been able to witness as we have served in the Tweed Heads ward.
Sister Merrill and Sister Boekweg


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I believe in you sister girl Boekweg
    Jake from bp logan Brisbane :)
