October 31, 2015


Let the ZONE CONFERENCES begin.....
We hit the ground running--meeting with every zone for Zone Conference October 2015.  What an invaluable time for training the wonderful missionaries around the mission.  We combined zones together to hold four conferences in the Brisbane area and also traveled up to the Northern Zone to meet with as many of the missionaries as we were able.  
First stop TOWNSVILLE...for a wonderful Zone Conference with Townsville, Whitsunday/Bowen, and Mount Isa.  
* A BIG THANK YOU to our Couple Missionaries in the Townsville District:
Elder & Sister Van Dongen (Townsville)
Elder & Sister Slemboski  (Whitsunday) 
We are grateful for your wonderful service & your help in every way! 


  1. Thank you Sister Henderson for all your posts. It does a heart good to see our Elders (and sisters) and the wonderful people they are blessed to work with in the field.
    Sis. Karen Goddard

  2. Thank you Sister Henderson for all your posts. It does a heart good to see our Elders (and sisters) and the wonderful people they are blessed to work with in the field.
    Sis. Karen Goddard
